Kardiyolojide Gelişmeler

Emre Aslanger
28 Mart 2024

Which Diastolic Pressure Should Be Used to Assess Diastolic Function?

Background: Although high left ventricular filling pressures [left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic pressure or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)] are widely taken as surrogates for LV diastolic dysfunction, the actual distending pressure that governs LV diastolic stretch is transmural pressure difference (∆PTM).

Dr. Emre Aslanger

Yılmaz Güneş
28 Mart 2024

Hypertension and Occupational Health: A General Overview and Expert Consensus Suggestions

Hypertension is a common public health issue, and its incidene increases parallel to age. It is inevitable that certain occupational conditions may pose risks for high blood pressure or cause difficulties in managing blood pressure. Working under specific circumstances may compromise the safety of individuals with hypertension and potentially others.

Dr. Yılmaz Güneş

Yılmaz Güneş
İnanç Artaç
28 Mart 2024

Kalp Cihazı Olan Hastalarda Atriyal Yüksek Hız Epizodlarında Nitrik Oksit ve Oksidatif Stresin Önemi

Atriyal Yüksek Hızlı Epizotlar (AYHE), kardiyak implante edilebilir elektronik cihazlar (KİEC) ile tespit edilebilen subklinik atriyal taşiaritmilerdir. AYHE; atriyal fibrilasyon (AF) tromboembolizm, kardiyovasküler ve serebrovasküler olaylar ve mortalite riskinde artma ile ilişkilendirilmiştir.

Dr. İnanç Artaç

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